Downsides of Dark Hardwood Flooring


Downsides of Dark Hardwood Flooring

So what is dark hardwood flooring?

Dark hardwood flooring is a form of engineered hardwood flooring that has been modified to include some of the definitive features of the natural wood. It adds a naturally dark and moody ambiance to any room it is installed in. cracks and checks, both of which are dominant characteristics of wood, are given a proper highlight with dark hardwood flooring and while It is a very stylish and tasteful way to have your floors represented it might still not be the right choice for you. When choosing dark hardwood floors, you have to be mindful of the fact that your lifestyle might not suit it and its application. Pets, kids, general movement, and even the amount of time that you are willing to put into cleaning the floor might point t the fact that you shouldn’t have dark hardwood flooring. Here are of its two major downsides:

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Damage and Repairs

Small dents and scratches actually don’t penetrate the sturdy finish of dark hardwood floors. However, that doesn’t stop the dent or scratch from being noticeable and virtually impossible to simply repair and get the floor god as new. While it is possible t repair an area of the finish that is penetrated by dents and scratches it will be clear that something has been done in that area because the affected area will basically have a lower gloss than the remaining part of the floor. As a matter of fact, it is possible for the repaired area to be just as noticeable as the damage itself was (that is if it doesn’t become more noticeable). Again, by choosing a finish with a low gloss, you will be lowering the appearance of damage or a dent by a very large extent. The advantage of dark hardwood flooring with a low gloss lies in the fact that dents and scratches, in the event that they occur can easily be repaired with a stain marker.

Dust, Dirt, and Hair

One of the biggest issues that face dark hardwood flooring (and those who buy them) is that it will give a highlight to every form of dust, every modicum of dirt, and every trace of dog hair you know when your dog decides to play a little on the floors). If you own a dark hardwood floor and you will love for your home to always look clean and spotless, then it goes without saying that you will be spending a lot of time cleaning and dusting everywhere off. Even if you’re fine with the extra cleaning that comes with hard hardwood flooring, every homeowner runs the tendency of over cleaning the floor with the hardwood floor cleaner. This will eventually lead t cleaning residue building up in the house and there will be some dull film left on the floor as well. If the floor is cleaned too often you will invariably eave some cleaning reside behind, no matter just how good you are.

So with a hard hardwood floor, you are essentially let with two options; leave the floor and expose it t too much dirt or clean it often and leave cleaning residue behind.

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